Restriction of liability for own contents
In spite of compiling the pages with the greatest possible care and after the best conscience, the Optikron GmbH as the publisher of this website takes over no guarantee for actuality, completeness or correctness of all pages and their contents. She is only responsible for own contents and for provided information according to the general laws (according to German law), but not obliged for the supervision of the transmitted and/or stored data. As soon as the Optikron GmbH has attained knowledge of a concrete infringement of the law, she will immediately remove or block these contents. Any liability can only be assumed by the moment of knowledge acquisition.
Restriction of liability for external links
The Optikron GmbH as the provider of this website takes over no guarantee for links accessed to other websites on whose contents she has no influence. At the moment the link were placed, there was no legal offence recognizable. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to us, all the links to these contents will be removed immediately.
Published works and contents are governed by the German copyright and the ancillary copyright. Any type of storage, duplication, treatment, spreading or utilisation beyond the borders of the valid right require the prior written approval of the respective legal owner. Offences can be punished.
Contradiction against the use of published contact information
The use of the contact information, which are published in our web services, for advertising purposes is expressly contradicted. In case of the sending of unsolicited advertising information (e.g. by spam mails) we reserve the right to take legal action.
Data protection
More information about data protection you can find in our privacy policy.
Our general terms and conditions (in German only) are available here as a PDF-document for viewing or for downloading.
Data according to § 5 TMG:
Optikron GmbH
Loebstedter Str. 70
07749 Jena
Managing directors:
Gerrit Seyffert, Monika Dittert
Phone: +49 (0)3641 38497-0
Fax: +49 (0)3641 38497-8
Register court:
Local court Jena, HRB 210429
VAT identification number according to § 27a UStG: